Family Law Issues: Situations You Want A Legal Advisor To Help You Navigate

Most disagreements with family members are manageable, and you can solve them yourselves. However, some problems come with high stakes, making solving them challenging without a mediator's intervention. For instance, issues that arise after dissolving a marriage are hard to navigate, making it essential to work with a family law attorney when handling them. Here are situations that you want a legal advisor to help you navigate.

Your Partner Has Ignored a Court Order

Judges issue court orders when ruling on family law matters, including divorce, child custody, and support issues. They are supposed to guide spouses on how to handle their situation legally. Failure to comply with the court's instructions is an offense, and you can take legal action against your partner if they breach orders. Your lawyer can prepare and file a motion requesting the court to hold your partner in contempt. The judge will issue directions to ensure that your partner complies with their orders. They might also order your ex-spouse to pay a fine, or the judge may sentence them to a few months in prison.

Your Partner Is Earning More Money

Judges determine the child and spousal support each party should pay depending on their earnings. The court can grant amendments to the support agreements if they realize that one parent earns more money. Therefore, if you realize your partner has gotten a salary increment, you should consider requesting more monthly payments. A lawyer dealing with family issues can file a petition requesting an increase in child support or any other payments you require. The court will evaluate several issues before deciding whether the increment is reasonable. For instance, they might consider the current cost of living and the children's needs.  

You Want to Amend Parenting Time and Custody

There may be several reasons you might want to request an amendment to parenting time and custody. For instance, your partner might be facing jail time or threatening your child, or you might be relocating to a new area. In each of these cases, you require legal help so that you can know the steps to take. Your lawyer will want you to ensure that any amendments you propose are in the best interest of your kids. In addition, they will want to know whether you have a valid reason to request a modification of visitation laws. That's because judges do not like to disrupt children's living arrangements unless there is a substantial change in circumstance.

Even though the law gives you the right to solve family disagreements out of court, you might not manage to do so when handling complex problems. The issues above, for example, are challenging to navigate, and you should consider hiring a family lawyer to help you manage them.

Contact a family law attorney for more information. 
