Child Custody Cases: 3 Serious Errors That Might Get You In Trouble With The Court

Divorce can be quite stressful and emotional, especially if there is a possibility of losing your kid's custody to your partner. Because of that, you could engage in destructive behavior, which could affect your children's well-being. Besides, you may do something that might make the judge negatively perceive your ability to care for the little ones. The best way to steer clear of such costly mistakes is by working alongside a family lawyer. Highlighted below are a few mistakes your attorney can help you evade.

Going Against Visitation Agreements

The court expects you to adhere to all agreements as directed. For example, you shouldn't deny your partner a chance to spend time with the kids as the court order requires. Doing so could bring about serious consequences. For instance, the judge might assume you don't have the kids' best interest at heart and, in turn, deny you some rights. 

However, there are situations in which the court gives you a right to deny your ex-spouse visitation rights. For example, you can take this move if you suspect that the other parent is abusing the kids or their living condition is unsanitary. But, even in such situations, you should inform your family lawyer that you intend to go against the visitation schedule and seek direction.

Disobeying Court Orders

Disobeying court orders is another serious mistake that could put you in a disadvantageous position in your child custody case. The court views it as disrespect to authority. As a result, the judge might rule in your spouse's favor when delivering their judgment. Besides, the court can punish you for going against its orders. And, of course, the judge can issue new orders requiring you to follow the previous agreement without failure.

Failing to Seek Professional Legal Assistance

Naturally, child custody negotiations can spur emotional distress. As a result, you could get tempted to say or do something that might get you in trouble with the court. Remember that you must obey all the court dates and follow all the agreements, including visitation schedules. Failing to meet deadlines or going against custody laws can negatively impact your case. 

Working with a family law attorney is one of the best ways to ensure that you meet all the deadlines and comply with the set guidelines. They can handle the paperwork for you, ensuring that you provide the necessary information and file the documents promptly. Furthermore, they can mediate communication with your partner to prevent emotional outbursts.
