Tips To Help You Obtain Custody Of Your Children

Parents going through divorce often have to deal with many back-and-forth negotiations regarding child custody. Ideally, parents will work collaboratively to come up with a custody agreement that everyone is satisfied with. However, this is not always possible, and some parents have to go to court in order for a judge to assign custody. If you're seeking custody of your children, it's important to make a good impression on the judge and show that you are capable of providing the best possible care for your children. A divorce lawyer may coach you through this process and offer advice for appearing in court.

Establish a Parent-Child Relationship

Whether you are seeking joint or full custody, a judge will want to see that you have an existing relationship with your child or children. Your divorce lawyer may help you organize evidence that proves this. For example, you might show your personal calendar with records of bringing the kids to medical appointments, attending their extracurricular activities, and spending one-on-one time together with each child. Your lawyer may also help provide testimony from witnesses who can support your claims of having an active and loving presence in your child's life. Depending on the age of your child, they might be asked to testify to the judge about your relationship with them.

Document Your Ability to Provide Care

Other evidence that will strengthen your claim for custody includes documentation showing that you are physically, mentally, and financially capable of caring for your child or children. A doctor's examination may show your physical and mental fitness to provide care. Additionally, you can bring documents such as pay stubs and tax returns to prove to the judge that you earn a steady income to ensure that each child's needs will be met while in your home. Ask your divorce attorney about additional documents that indicate your ability to provide the best possible environment for your child to thrive.

Appear Responsible in the Courtroom

Although the family court judge will have plenty of documents that attest to your parenting, your appearance in the courtroom can influence their decision of whether to award you joint or full custody. Come to court in business attire if possible. Failing that, make sure your clothes are clean and free of stains or tears. You want to appear professional and composed. This includes your speech and actions too; the judge will want to see that you are respectful and mature. If you anticipate that being in the same courtroom might get you riled up, your divorce attorney can help you practice making statements that help you appear responsible and considerate before the judge.

Fighting for custody of your children may be a stressful time, but your divorce attorney can help ensure that you present the best possible case in court.

For more information, contact a divorce law service today.
