Are You Charged With A Criminal Offense? 3 Types Of Defenses That Lawyers Can Formulate To Get The Charges Dropped

One of the most challenging experiences that you might have to go through is facing criminal charges. The criminal law is tough in every part of the country. When you are charged with an offense such as driving under the influence, assault, murder, possession of drugs, and other felonies, you could be facing many years in prison or even the death penalty. It is advisable to hire a criminal defense lawyer right from the moment that you are arrested so that they can walk with you through the process of building a solid case and establishing a workable defense plan. 

Here are three ways to argue your criminal case and get your charges dropped, or at least a favorable sentence.

The Prosecutor Cannot Prove You Did It

One of the main reasons the district attorney and other prosecutors drop criminal charges is to not find enough evidence to prove their case. You might not know what evidence the prosecution has for you unless you have a lawyer helping you with it. 

During the first stages of the process or discovery process, both sides will look into the case and the evidence present. If your lawyer feels that the other party only has circumstantial evidence, and they have nothing solid to show that the crime happened, they will advise you to plead innocent. They will also file to have the case dismissed for lack of evidence.

You Really Did Not Commit the Crime

There are a good number of people doing time for crimes they did not commit. In most of these cases, either the person was just unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place and at the wrong time, or they had an unreliable defense team. 

This is why you should not hire a lawyer to represent you unless you are very sure that they have the competence and experience to get you a favorable ruling.

You Acted in Self-Preservation Mode

Another way that you can argue your case is self-defense. If, for instance, you shot someone and they died, and you are being charged with homicide, you can say you acted in self-defense. If your lawyer can prove your life was in danger when you pulled the trigger, you will get a good ruling.

These are three of the many ways you can argue out your criminal case. Take time and choose a criminal defense lawyer because your freedom will depend on it. 
