Considering A Malpractice Case? What You Should Look For In An Attorney

When you or a loved one is hurt or killed due to a medical procedure, misdiagnosis, or any other issue stemming from improper medical care, you may want to consider filing a medical malpractice lawsuit. This type of legal action is difficult, as it not only includes legal matters but also a lot of medical terms. For this reason, you should be sure to work with an attorney who works primarily in this area of the law. Here are some things to consider when choosing an attorney for a medical malpractice case:

Does the Attorney Have Specialized Training?

An attorney for a medical malpractice case should have specialized knowledge to work on a malpractice case. Specifically, you should work with an attorney who defends a victim of malpractice, as some only work with defendants. Additionally, your attorney should have special training in medical terminology so he or she knows how to fully understand the medical records in your case to help build your case. A medical malpractice attorney should be able to verify at which point your case went wrong, resulting in injury.

Does the Attorney Work with Medical Witnesses?

Although a medical malpractice attorney has specialized training in medical cases, he or she should have a roster of medical witnesses to help with the case. A medical witness is a neutral third party with specific knowledge about a medical specialization. The medical witness is not one who worked directly with you during your treatment but knows how the procedure or other issue should have proceeded versus what happened in your case. He or she is a credible witness and can be qualified as an expert witness in the trial.

Does the Attorney Work on a Contingency Basis?

One problem many victims have is spending the money on a medical malpractice lawsuit. Your legal team is an investment, and some do not move forward with the case for fear of having to come out of pocket financially to pay for legal services. Fortunately, many medical malpractice attorneys will work on a contingency. This essentially means the attorney will not receive a payment unless and until you win your case. You will have to agree to pay your attorney a percentage of your settlement. While this can be a large sum of money, you do not have to pay for it prior to the case and makes moving forward with a medical malpractice lawsuit more realistic.

Contact a medical malpractice lawyer to get started.
