The Adult Disability Report In Detail

If you find yourself unable to work due to a medical issue, you may need to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). The application used to apply for benefits is quite detail-oriented and can be difficult to complete. Read on for a step-by-step exploration of the adult disability report (ADR).

Section 1 – Name, address, and other personal information.

Section 2 – The name of a third party that can be contacted by the Social Security Administration (SSA) on your behalf.

Section 3 – List of all medical conditions that prevent you from working. The SSA considers the full impact your various conditions place on your ability to work. If one condition does meet the guidelines for benefits, other conditions can be used to strengthen your case for an approval.

Section 4 – The date that you became unable to work at your job. Choosing a date can be difficult since many medical conditions begin as minor problems that escalate. It might be helpful to review your doctor's visits and see when you sought medical care for your condition. If you had to reduce your work hours or be transferred to a less strenuous position, be sure to remark about that. The earlier your date of onset, the more back you are entitled to receive.

Section 5 – Here, you indicate the highest level of school you completed (not attended – completed). This seemingly minor distinction matters because those with less education are more likely to be approved for benefits.

Section 6 – A complete work history, beginning with your most recent job. Going back several years and recalling past employers can be a challenge. If you have tax returns for previous years, pay stubs, or can review your SSA earnings record, you may be able to fill in the information using those memory aides. If you have worked in the same place for a long time, you may be asked for more detailed information about that job.

Section 7 – Names of all medications, both over-the-counter and prescribed. You should list the medications in addition to the reason for taking them. You may be able to obtain a list of all prescribed medications by speaking with your pharmacist.

Section 8 – History of all medical treatment for your current disability. This section might take a while to complete. You will need doctor's names, medical facility addresses, and dates of treatment.

Section 9 – Other medical information contacts. If you were incarcerated or used health insurance to pay for any medical treatment, list it here.

Section 10 – Should be completed only if currently receiving Social Security Income (SSI) benefits.

Section 11 – This space is used if you ran out of room when answering any of the above questions.

This form can be completed with the help of a Social Security caseworker or anyone else you prefer. You should seriously consider having a Social Security disability lawyer assist you in completing your disability paperwork. They know what the SSA is looking for and know how to access the needed records.
