Wrongly Accused Of Assault? Fight For Your Rights

If someone wrongly accuses you of assaulting them in their neighborhood, you may fear for your safety and for your future. Although assault is a crime, it may also be a crime to knowingly make unfounded or false accusations against an innocent person. But since it's your word against your accuser's word, it may be difficult for you to prove your innocence without the right legal assistance. Here are things you can do to help prove your innocence in court.

Verify Your Whereabouts

One of the most important things should do is secure evidence that verifies your whereabouts during the time the alleged assault occurred. If you were at work, with family, or in school at that time, obtain documentation, videos, or even eyewitness accounts of your whereabouts.

For example, if you clocked into work during the time of the assault, ask your employer to print out a form that shows the time you clocked in and out of work that day. Some companies use access cards to sign employees in and out of work. This information may be held in a secure computer system, which an attorney can access later if needed. 

Once you obtain your evidence, speak to a criminal law attorney.

Hire a Criminal Law Attorney

A criminal law attorney can help you clear your name and reputation. Depending on the attorney you hire, they may interview your co-workers, family members, and even people in the accuser's neighborhood during your case. If the accuser has a previous history of violence, some of their neighbors may have witnessed it in the past. Some of the neighbors may even be victims of the individual's bad behavior. The neighbors may have refused to bring charges against the accuser out of fear or intimidation. 

An attorney may also examine the accuser's criminal and civil backgrounds to see if they have any court cases against them. The court system keeps detailed records of every case it oversees. Although you can't access many of these cases, an attorney can. If a criminal lawyer finds adverse records against the accuser, they be able to sue the individual in court. An attorney can discuss the best way to handle this aspect of your case when they meet with you. 

If you're falsely accused of assault or another crime, consult with a criminal law office like All Legal Solutions today. If you don't act now, you could be the one facing jail time. 
