Getting Workers' Comp For Black Lung Disease

For those who work in the coal industry, you may have already heard about the dangers to your health that comes from the ever-present coal dust in the areas where you live and work. If you now have a lung disorder that you feel was caused by your exposure to coal dust as a result of your work, you may be entitled to get workers' compensation insurance. You should know that it may not be too late, even if your work in the coal industry has ended. Read on to learn more about black lung disease and getting workers' comp benefits.

Black Lung Disease

When a foreign body is inhaled into your lungs, your body gets to work right away to protect your body from this invader. The body reacts to the tiny coal dust particles by building scar tissue around the particles, which build up over time in your lungs to cause breathing problems. The symptoms of this lung disorder may be hard to discern from a bad cold at first, such as a tired feeling, a dry cough and shortness of breath.

Seek Medical Attention

You must see your doctor and be diagnosed with black lung disease before you can apply for benefits. Even if your exposure occurred years ago, you are still eligible for benefits if you file as soon as you know about your disorder. Black lung disease is diagnosed using chest x-rays, arterial blood gas tests and pulmonary functioning tests. You may experience issues with breathing in, breathing out or both. Be sure to inform your doctor of your work history in the coal industry.

Treatments for Black Lung Disease

Unfortunately, there is no cure for this disorder, but it can be treated. The main focus of treatments are to ease your breathing, which is often accomplished using medication that is inhaled and oxygen therapy. If you are still working in the coal-related field, you should understand that you have the right to be moved to a work area that lessens your exposure to the coal dust. More exposure means more scar tissue, and this scar tissue can eventually destroy your ability to breathe, which means death.

Federal Help

In addition to workers' comp, you may also file for benefits under the Black Lung Benefits Act, which assists those who are suffering permanent disabilities because of exposure to coal dust. Be sure to get some support from a workers' comp attorney, like those at Gilbert, Blaszcyk & Milburn LLP, to ensure that you get every benefit that you are entitled to get.
