Tips For Your Independent Medical Evaluation

As part of your workers compensation case, your employer's insurance company can request that you submit to an independent medical evaluation, or IME. You must have this exam done if you hope to be successful with your claim, and it cannot be performed by your personal physician. The insurance company will suggest a particular doctor and you'll have to work with a medical examination scheduler to find a time that works for both of you. You might be unsure about what to expect; the tips that follow can provide some guidance.

Bring Along Your Records Personally

While you can have your doctor send copies of your records to the doctor performing the IME, you might be able to save time and avoid having different documents misplaced if you just bring test results, x-rays and other records with you to your appointment. This way, you can be absolutely sure that the IME physician has all relevant information about your injuries and the treatment plan in place.

Don't Hold Back Medical Information

You might be somewhat nervous because you know that the IME physician is someone who will create a report for your employer's insurance company. This might cause you to be reluctant about sharing your medical history or to avoid answering questions because you think you're helping your case by withholding information.

However, it is vital that you remember that the IME doctor is there as an independent professional; their appraisal of your health and injuries is meant to help the insurance company know whether you are representing yourself in a truthful manner. Be as forthcoming as possible so that the doctor has a clear idea of what you are going through.

Get Copies

When you are there, you are going to complete basic forms as you would at any doctor visit. Ensure that the staff makes copies of those forms for you before you leave the office. The doctor will also make their own notes and observations about your health while you're there; inquire whether you can have copies of those too. Having copies in your hand can allow you to drop off that information to your own lawyer without delay, but you can also peruse the documents to make sure that there was no miscommunication and that the doctor accurately recorded your statements.

With the pointers above, you can be more comfortable and ready for the independent medical evaluation. Get in touch with the insurance company's legal medical exam scheduler in order to set up your appointment. For more information, talk to a medical legal services company like IMEI PC.
