How To Prevent Social Media From Affecting Your Workers Compensation Case

If you are currently seeking workers compensation, you should know that the insurance company might be looking into it more than you think. If the insurance company thinks that there is something amiss about your claim, they might hire a private investigator -- either an independent investigator or someone who works within the insurance company -- to look into things. In today's world, this can even include checking out your social media profiles to try to fight your case. Luckily, there are steps that you can take to help prevent social media from affecting your workers compensation case.

Keep it Private

If you want to help prevent a private investigator from snooping around your accounts, you should consider adjusting your privacy settings to make your profile as private as possible. This is not a foolproof way to prevent anyone from finding the things on your social media accounts, but it can help. You should also be cautious about accepting friend or follower requests from people who you don't know, since it could be a trap.

Don't Talk About the Accident

You might be tempted to keep your loved ones informed about the details behind your work-related accident, but it's best to avoid doing so. Keep conversation about your accident and injury to a minimum; you could accidentally say something that could jeopardize your case.

Be Careful About How You are Perceived

When it comes to posts and pictures on your social media pages, you should be careful about how you are perceived. Although you might be proud of yourself for being able to do some of the things that you did before you were injured, certain pictures and posts can make it appear as if you were exaggerating about the extent of your injuries. Also, posting old pictures of you doing physical activity could be misconstrued as if you were posting new pictures. Just make sure that you think about how your posts might be perceived by a potential private investigator before you post them. 

Hire a Lawyer

Any time that you are going through a workers compensation case, it is a good idea to hire an attorney. Your lawyer can advise you about how to conduct yourself on social media during this time and can help you in other ways to help prevent your case from being denied. It's a good way to protect yourself and to get the ball rolling on your case so that you can get paid as quickly as possible.

For more information and tips, contact an experienced workers compensation attorney in your area. 
