Tips For Getting Patent Coverage Quickly

Getting a patent in the United States can take years. The office that processes the patents is extremely behind, making it frustrating to inventors and people with ideas to start companies because it can make it insanely difficult to get funding or protection for your idea. Here are some tips for getting some patent coverage quickly in order to maximize the chances that you will eventually receive a patent in the United States.

1. File for a Patent in a Country That Processes Them Faster

The first thing that you are going to want to consider is filing for a patent in a country that actually processes them quickly. This is critical because it allows you to get some coverage and protection for your idea, making it harder for others to duplicate it and get away without any legal consequences. It also increases your legitimacy because investors can see that at least some country has approved your patent, increasing the chances that the US will also eventually issue you a patent. They will be more likely to fund you idea because of this. Finally, getting the exclusive rights to your idea in another country will help prove that your idea or equipment is valuable enough to protect, inspiring investor confidence. All of these will help you get money to expand your idea. Talk to your patent lawyer for getting this type of patent.

2. File a Provisional Patent

Another way to get some patent coverage quickly is to file a provisional patent. This type of patent is processed more quickly by the US government because it is not actually a patent at all. It is a placeholder for a patent. The way that this works is that you are legally allowed to put the phrase "Patent Pending" on your idea. Then, you have an entire year to fill out the normal patent while your product is still developing. If you choose, you can even extend the length of your provisional patent to give yourself more time to develop your idea or work around the US patent system. 

3. File a Trademark

Finally, you can file for a trademark rather than a patent because these are also processed more quickly. Once you create something and give it a name, when you say the name, people will think of your invention. This will give you some protection in the eyes of the consumer and give your idea more credence in the eyes of investor. 

For more information, talk to a patent lawyer, such as those at Kaufhold & Dix Patent Law.
