Who To Call If You Get Hurt On An Amusement Park Ride

While the numbers of people getting hurt at amusement parks are not staggering, there are still those who do get injured. If you are one of the unfortunate amusement park goers who attains a serious injury, you will want to consult a personal injury lawyer.

How Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Help?

The best reason to consult a personal injury lawyer is because they can provide legal representation if you have been injured either physically, psychologically or both due to another person's wrongdoing. The injury could also be the result of the negligence of a company, government agency or any other type of entity. Simply put, if you feel you yourself are not responsible for your injury and it was the fault of someone else, you may have a case. This includes getting hurt while on a ride at an amusement park.

What are the Chances of Getting Hurt?

Of the 270 million people who visit an amusement park each year, only 7,000 sustain injuries in which they need to go to the emergency room. While the chances are minimal, there is still a possibility you could be hurt at the amusement park in one of the following ways:

  • Traumatic brain injury from unsecured objects hitting the head
  • Heart attack on very fast rides
  • Lacerations, broken bones, whiplash on various rides
  • Loss of consciousness on rides that spin quickly and repeatedly
  • Falling from a ride
  • Drowning accidents rides where there is water involved

Due to their high speeds and high heights, most people expect roller coasters to be the most dangerous rides. But there are also other types of rides on which injuries occur. These include:

  • Swing rides that stop suddenly
  • Ferris wheels where riders fall out of their seat or the gondola detaches
  • Rides like the Zipper that get stuck in mid-air
  • Inflatables that burst, collapse or get blown away
  • Water rides where the boat flips or rider falls out

When to Call a Personal Injury Lawyer

Some injuries at the amusement park are caused because the directions are not followed by the person going on the ride. For instance, many rides require children to be a certain height. If these rules are broken and the child gets injured, a personal injury lawyer might not be able to help. However, if you get hurt because of faulty equipment, mechanical failure or the ride is not operated properly, you should contact a personal injury lawyer such as Steven A. Crifase Ltd.
